
  • you've ever walked out of an IEP meeting wondering what just happened in there…
  • you’ve been frustrated at ever-increasing caseloads with the paperwork to match...
  • you feel like you’re re-writing the same goals year after year and your kids aren’t making meaningful progress…
  • you feel like the “interventions” you’re providing could be done by a paraprofessional…
  • you feel like your colleagues don’t understand or respect your specialized knowledge…
  • you feel like all of your time is spent typing up reports and not ACTUALLY helping kids…
  • you’re sick of being the “fine motor therapist…”
  • …or even worse, the “handwriting teacher...” 
  • you’re tired of not getting carryover from students, teachers, and families...

...then this is the course for you.


1. characterized by constant change, activity, or progress.

2. positive in attitude and full of energy and new ideas.

As a Dynamic School OT, you will become someone who...

...is flexible, rolls with the punches, but never compromises their values.

...knows the importance of evidence-based practice and incorporates it into their treatment wherever they can.

...uses their critical thinking and clinical reasoning to be the best therapist they can be for their students.

...collaborates with teachers, paraprofessionals, administrators, and parents to make meaningful change.

...has a curious spirit and isn't afraid to ask "Why?"

...is on the cutting-edge of new models of practice, intervention techniques, and legislation.

...isn't afraid to speak up in order to make systems-wide change.

...values their work/life balance and knows when it is okay to say "no."

...doesn't settle for "good enough" and has the drive to constantly grow and progress.

Dynamic School OT

But it didn't start out this way for me.

Frustrated School OT

I had worked in outpatient pediatrics for 2 years before I accepted my first travel job in the school system.

I said my goodbyes, packed up my life into a hatchback, and moved across the country to a rural town in Northern California where I was the only school-based OT.

And I felt so alone.

I called my friend from grad school until she was sick of hearing my voice. I spent hours scrolling Facebook groups trying to soak in all of the knowledge. I looked up research, best practices, and took CEUs until my brain was overloaded.

Even with experience in outpatient pediatrics (and early intervention!), school-based practice felt SO different. The interventions looked similar, sure. But everything else - the documentation, the laws, the systems –  felt so alien to me.

I was lucky to be in a supportive district that wanted to help me become a good school OT. But since they weren’t OTs, they didn’t really know how. While I still learned a lot from them, I spent a lot of time wishing for something or someone that would give me all the answers. Or at least some guidance.

Instead, I spent a good chunk of my free time working on becoming the best school OT that I could be. And those habits continued to the next district I worked for. And the next.

Now, after working for several districts across multiple states, I feel incredibly confident in my school-based practice. I feel secure in the decisions I make, the evaluations I write, and the services I recommend. I can truly say that I love my job and I’m proud of the work that I do. 

But it’s not enough for me to feel this way. I want EVERY school OT to feel like they are an expert at what they do. 

And the truth is, you probably are! You might just need some help getting there. 

But that help doesn’t have to take the form of exhausting yourself by spending 5-10 hours of your week –  on top of your actual work! –  wading through all of the noise online.

Instead, what if there was a curated course that addressed all of the topics that you’re struggling with?

I've got happy news for you, friend. This is exactly what I've created for you with The Dynamic School OT.

This course will teach you:

  • how to figure out how much service time to recommend for any type of student.
  • what to do when your caseload is unmanageable.
  • how to effectively document in this setting and do it in a way that doesn’t take up hours of your day.
  • how to write legally defensible evaluations...
  • ...and how to actually deal with those attorneys at the IEP meeting! 
  • what should actually happen at an IEP meeting in the first place. 
  • how to address goals that are collaborative, relevant, and most importantly, meaningful to the student.
  • how to serve students through emerging models of practice, such as distance learning and teletherapy.
  • how to deal with challenging situations like disagreements at an IEP meeting, or getting funding for important equipment.
  • ...and so much more.

This is not just your typical course on intervention strategies. And it's also not a course based on lofty theories that don't actually relate to your day-to-day. This is a course created by a school-based OT who is right there in the trenches alongside you and wants all school OTs to feel confident and knowledgeable about what they do.

Because when we all do better, our profession does better. Our schools do better. Our KIDS do better. 

That’s the course I’ve created for you. 

I created this course because I am truly passionate about school-based OT. I love this job and I have trouble seeing myself ever doing anything else. I choose this job over and over again each time I sign a new travel contract.

And it is my mission for every other school OT to feel that passion as well. We have the potential to make SO much difference, but we can’t do so unless we are assertive and confident in what we do. 

And I’m guessing that despite any difficulties you might currently be facing, you probably feel the same as I do. I don’t think I’ve ever met a school OT who didn’t love the root of their job helping kids. And I would bet a lot of money that you’re probably pretty dang good at that part of the job.

So let me help you with the rest. Organization. Time management. Recommending services, not recommending services. Writing thorough documentation. Laws and regulations. RtI. Systems.

And don’t worry new school OTs - I’ve included a HUGE module on intervention strategies as well.

(Experienced pediatric therapists - you might even find some nuggets in this section 😉

But at the end of the day, being a great interventionist is just one piece of being an effective school-based therapist. 

It’s all of those little fiddly pieces that surround it that ensure your interventions aren’t going to waste - and that they’re helping as many kids as they can.

Because when all is said and done, your kids need a therapist that does more than just bringing a fun craft to a session.

They need the OT who will get the funding for necessary equipment. They need the OT who will advocate on their behalf at meetings. They need the OT that will prepare the paraprofessionals that work with them every day. They need the OT that they will never meet in person, but taught their teacher how to celebrate kids with attention differences. 

They NEED The Dynamic School OT.

Review of The Dynamic School OT

The Dynamic School OT is a course that is made up of 11 modules that are packed to the gills with actionable content that will transform your practice, from practical formulas on how to recommend services to seasoned advice on how to navigate challenging conversations. Modules are formatted as engaging video presentations from a school OT who has actually been where you are right now.

Plus, each module also includes EXTRA resources on top of the lecture content. This is the culmination of over 100 of the most valuable resources I've created or referenced over the years, including assessment templates, screening paperwork, intervention plans, and data tracking forms. These resources alone will save you hours and hours of time within your practice so that you don't have to reinvent the wheel.

As you go through the course content, you'll have access to our associated Facebook group where you can ask questions, get support, and connect with like-minded OTs. Even better, this Facebook group will remain open even after you're finished with the course for any follow-up questions as you grow your practice over the coming years.

After you purchase, you'll immediately have access to all of this content that you can complete at your leisure. In total, plan to block off about 7 hours to complete the modules & quizzes and to review the digital resources – but spread this out as needed! You'll have lifetime access to finish the course and get your certificate of completion.

Review of The Dynamic School OT

Course Curriculum

Available in days
days after you enroll
  1. Laws, Rules, and Guidelines
Available in days
days after you enroll
  2. An Intro to Education
Available in days
days after you enroll
  3. Creating an Airtight Referral Process
Available in days
days after you enroll
  4. Recommending Services
Available in days
days after you enroll
  5. Meetings
Available in days
days after you enroll
  6. Intervention
Available in days
days after you enroll
  7. Assistive Technology Considerations
Available in days
days after you enroll
  8. Documentation
Available in days
days after you enroll
  9. Becoming the Dynamic School OT
Available in days
days after you enroll
  10. Hard Conversations and Weird Situations
Available in days
days after you enroll
  11. Providing Effective Teletherapy in a School-Based Setting
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Final Quiz
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll
The Dynamic School OT Testimonial
The Dynamic School OT Extra Resources
dynamic school ot aota
The Dynamic School OT Testimonial

Full Course Learning Objectives

Want to know more about what you'll be learning? Check out the objectives below, but don't get overwhelmed! Each objective is broken down into manageable topics and steps.

Laws,‌ ‌Rules,‌ ‌and‌ ‌Guidelines‌ ‌

  • Identify the laws and regulations that guide school-based OT practice.
  • Apply knowledge of specific concepts within the law to inform your practice.

An Intro to Education

  • Describe the history behind the current public education system.
  • Identify how OTs fit into the education system.
  • Execute the special education process as a school-based OT.

Creating an Airtight Referral Process

  • Identify the steps needed to create a referral process.
  • Apply relevant legislation and guidelines to your referral process.

Recommending Services

  • Identify the different types of OT service in the school system.
  • Synthesize various factors to make effective service recommendations.


  • Identify the different types of meetings a school-based OT might attend.
  • Define an SBOT’s role at an IEP meeting.
  • Identify how to effectively use IEP meetings to further your practice.


  • Identify the various treatment approaches in school-based practice.
  • Define the difference between the medical model and the educational model.
  • Determine how to choose what interventions to use.

Assistive Technology Considerations 

  • Identify the rules surrounding assistive technology in the school system.
  • Define how assistive technology can be used to meet learning outcomes.
  • Identify specific assistive technology options to recommend.


  • Identify what documentation is required in the school system.
  • Create systems to make documentation fluid and easy.
  • Create documentation that is legally defensible.

Becoming the Dynamic School OT

  • Identify how mindset affects your practice.
  • Create systems that revolutionize your school-based practice.

Hard Conversations and Weird Situations

  • Develop the skills needed to have hard conversations.
  • Identify what to do in rare situations that come up as a school-based OT.

Providing Effective Teletherapy in a School-Based Setting

  • Identify the considerations to take before starting a teletherapy program.
  • Identify the various options and service delivery models for teletherapy.
  • Describe how to use parent coaching as an effective intervention.
The Dynamic School OT Testimonial

Hi, I’m Devon.

When I was 16 years old, like many people, I had never heard of occupational therapy. But I knew I wanted to do something that helped people, and I had always valued independence. So when OT was described to me on a college visit, I knew I was hearing about my future career.

Now, I've had the pleasure of dipping my toes into most OT settings, but pediatrics has always had my heart. So when the opportunity came to become a travel therapist and work in the school system, I jumped at it.

Little did I know that I was about to be thrown into some of the most stressful, overwhelming, and passionate years of my life. Eventually, I realized that I couldn't let this passion serve me and my students alone – it was something I had to share with people.

That's why I created The Dynamic School OT. This course is the synthesis of hundreds of hours of practice in this setting combined with a lot of sweat, grit, and tears. It's everything I wish I had when I first started in this setting, and I can't wait to see how it revolutionizes your practice.

Devon Breithart

The registration fee for this course is $387.

I realize that may sound expensive at first blush. But let me remind you what you're getting:

  • over 5 hours of lecture content alone for much less than I charge OTs for mentorship and consulting.
  • pages and pages of templates, resources, and forms that are going to help you save SO much time as a school-based OT. No more spending hours working off the clock or past contract hours just to get the basic functions of your job done.
  • a rockin' community of like-minded school OTs to ask questions and gain inspiration from.
  • lifetime access to all course modules and materials for you to review as needed.
  • Best of all, you'll leave this course feeling confident, collected, and ready to be the effective school OT that you were always meant to be.

So my question to you would be this: How much is it worth to you to...

  1. love your job
  2. be incredibly effective at what you do
  3. all while maintaining excellent work-life balance?

I know my answer.

Happy School OT
The Dynamic School OT Testimonial
School OT Providing Teletherapy

Okay, I hear your buts.


we're still reeling from the pandemic!

school is going to be so weird this year!

what if all the things this course teaches just won't be relevant during this time?

I hear you. I hear you because I'm still a practicing school-based OT...and I'm working through the same difficulties this school year brings.

But...guess what?

Special education isn't going anywhere. These students still need us no matter what.

And truthfully, they need us now more than ever. They need someone who knows their stuff and is able to advocate on their behalf. They need someone who is creative, flexible, and confident. They need someone who exhibits all of the values and skills that you'll learn when you take this course.

AND, for a limited time, I'm including a bonus offer of my Parent Handout Pack (regularly $99). Have you ever tried to explain the difference between school-based OT and clinic OT but couldn't figure out what to say? Do you ever wish there was a simple handout in family-friendly language that you could provide? With this pack, you'll receive 5 of my most popular parent handouts to use at your leisure.

This pack is ONLY available when you sign up for the course.

The Dynamic School OT Testimonial
The Dynamic School OT


Who is this course for?

This course is for occupational therapists who are practicing or would like to practice in the U.S. school system. OTAs will find much of this content relevant as well.

Is this course only for therapists who are new to the school system?

No! While this course is an excellent primer for any therapist brand new to the school system, it's also full of great resources for OTPs who have been doing this for a while. Many OTs who have been working in the schools for over 10 or even 15 years have taken the course and loved it. No matter how long you've been in the schools, if you feel that something is holding you back from being more efficient, effective, and confident in your practice, then this course is a great fit for you.

Can students take this course?

Yes, absolutely! This course will cover topics that your university's class likely won't touch, and will be relevant for any student who would like to go into this setting after they graduate. It's a great thing to put on your resume when applying for that first job!

Is this course approved for CEUs?

Yes! The Dynamic School OT is an AOTA Approved Provider for this course. This course is offered for 0.7 CEU/7 Contact Hours. This means that if you are in the US, you can use it for your state and national credential renewals. Per AOTA, this is an introductory level course.

Participants must watch all pre-recorded video modules, review the digital resources, pass the assessment of learning, and complete the post-course survey in order to receive a certificate of completion.

The assignment of AOTA CEUs does not imply endorsement of specific course content, products, or clinical procedures by AOTA or indicate AOTA approval of a certification or other professional recognition.

If you are outside of the US, this course may count for CEU credit for you as well. Please email me at [email protected] if you have any questions.

When and where does the course take place?

This course is completely virtual and self-paced – you will be able to complete it at your convenience! You'll have lifetime access to complete this course.

How often is the course offered?

The course is currently open for ongoing enrollment.

What instructional methods are used in this course?

Each module contains a pre-recorded video lecture + slides that you can watch at any time. You will also be given an opportunity to apply your knowledge during each module. You'll have lifetime access to get through all of the material and earn your completion certificate. Digital resources are also yours to keep for life.

Can practitioners outside of the U.S. benefit from this course?

Yes, with the caveat that much of this course is based on the special education system in the U.S. If you're working in schools in a different country, the content on intervention, creating systems, and assistive technology will likely still be relevant to you, but some of the other material about laws and regulations in the U.S. won't be. If you're on the fence, shoot me an email at [email protected] and I can help you decide if this would be helpful in your country.

Are scholarships available?

Yes! Limited, sliding scale scholarships are available for BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) practitioners who are working in high needs schools (such as Title 1). If this sounds like you, please message me with some details about your situation at [email protected].

How do I request accommodations for special needs?

Email me at [email protected] to discuss your needs before registering and I will work with you to provide needed accommodations per the ADA.

What age groups/diagnoses does the course cover?

This course will be relevant for therapists who are working with preschoolers all the way to 21+ post-secondary students. It is also applicable to therapists working with a variety of diagnoses commonly seen in the school system, such as autism, intellectual disability, cerebral palsy, ADHD, developmental delay, etc. If you're not sure if this course will be relevant to your current position/caseload, message me at [email protected] and I'd be happy to answer!

Is there an installment plan available?

Yes! You can choose to break up the registration fee into 3 installments of $166.

What is the refund policy?

After you complete the course, if you feel it was not at all beneficial to you, I offer a full refund minus a small processing fee. This can be claimed for 30 days after your purchase. To claim this refund, I'll have a short survey for you to complete to help me figure out what I can do to improve the course in the future. I truly want this course to be a good fit for you, and if it's not, I'm happy to refund your money. Note: no CEU certificate will be issued in these cases.

Is group pricing available?

Yes! If your entire department would like to take this course, please email me with the number of therapists interested and I will send you a group price. You can email me at [email protected].

Do you accept purchase orders?

Yes! I am happy to accept purchase orders from school districts and other organizations.

How can I contact you?

Shoot me an email at [email protected] and I'd be happy to answer any questions that aren't listed here!

Devon Breithart is the owner of The Dynamic School OT and receives a salary.